Get to know Brno differently
Special price till 23.02.2025 from 67 €/person
Booking a flight

How long does the flight last?

15 min
you will see:
... and maybe even your home if you live nearby!
30 min
15 min

During a 30min flight you can try to pilot the helicopter for 15mins

And you decide where to go!

Is that safe?
No need to worry - according to statistics, air transport is the
safest and most convenient way of traveling.
Moreover unlike aircraft, in the event of failure,
a helicopter can land safely with autorotation of it's blades
How does it work?
And besides, our pilot has over 20 years of experience on various types of helicopters in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Booking a flight

1 Chaoose helicopter

Robinson R44 1-3 osoby max 260 kg
Bell 206 1-4 osoby max 320 kg
Dočasně nedostupný

2 Summery of passengers

Flight for 1 person
Let vrtulníkem Brno jen pro jednu osobu 120
Flight for 2 persons
Let vrtulníkem kde budete jen vy dva, nejpopulárnější jako dárek pro partnera/partnerku 180 (90€/person)
Flight for 3 persons
Cenově nejvýhodnější let vrtulníkem Brno pro tři osoby 202 (67€/person)

3 Required date of flight

Open ticket
Gift certificate
Dárkový poukaz na vyhlídkový let vrtulníem BrnoHeliTour vzor 1 Dárkový poukaz na vyhlídkový let vrtulníem BrnoHeliTour vzor 2
Preffered date
(The date can be changed by the pilot in a case of inappropriate weather)

4 Contact information

Who will fly?
1. Kg
2. Kg